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My Experience with the COVID-19 Vaccine

I got my first Covid-19 vaccination on Saturday, March 6th. It was the Pfizer version. I felt a little odd after it—kind of like I had drunk too much coffee. That feeling went away in about fifteen minutes, and my arm was sore that night and the next day, just like with a flu shot. Aside from the pain around the injection site, it was no big deal.

My next dose of Pfizer was on Saturday, March 27th. I didn’t feel odd like I did after the first one. My arm started to hurt sooner than before, and it hurt more. Still, it was par-for-the-course for having a vaccine injection.

The EMT who administered the shot told me what the typical side effects were. She said to stay hydrated and use over-the-counter pain relievers if I needed them.

The following morning, I woke up with a headache and a sorer arm. Later on, maybe an hour or two after, my body started aching, and I had some chills. I stretched out on the couch and pulled my Dr. Who throw close. Not too long after, I was feeling feverish and looked for the thermometer. My temperature was normal the first time. The next check, I had a fever of 99.3. It might have gone slightly higher as the day wore on, but I didn’t retake my temperature. These are some of the common side effects you could develop from the vaccine. If you follow me on Instagram, you know this part.

I wasn’t sick, though it felt that way. My immune system "realized" from the first dose that the “enemy” was back. Dr. Who fans know, the Daleks’ mantra is “Exterminate!” My immune system was shouting that battle cry and fighting the intruder. What was happening to me was a good thing. The vaccine was working.

It’s now the evening of the 29th, and I feel pretty much OK. The symptoms I had are gone, and my arm is hurting less.

The moral of this tale is to take whichever COVID-19 vaccine is available to you. You may react like me, or you may not.

The Pfizer and Moderna versions require two injections. The Johnson and Johnson variety is only one.

The side effects last one or two days for most of us. Consult your doctor if you have concerns. If you experience the rare reaction of trouble breathing after the injection and you’re not at the vaccination clinic, call 911 in the U.S. or the emergency number in your country.

Immunization saves lives. Polio (a disease that could cripple or leave survivors without the ability to breathe on their own) was eradicated in the United States due to the vaccines of Dr. Jonas Salk in the 1950s and Dr. Albert Sabin in the 1960s. Cases of polio no longer originate in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Be safe, get vaccinated for COVID-19 even if you had COVID-19, and wear your mask until we get the “all clear” from the medical professionals.


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