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Creativity Is Hard Work
Hey there. I’ve missed a couple or more weeks of the blog. Been working on my new book—a collection of my stories and poems. Since I’m...
Peace, Love, and Music
“...This he told me. Said, I'm going down to Yasgur's Farm. Gonna join in a rock and roll band. Got to get back to the land and set my...
Ensnared by the Clock
Wow, two weeks have disappeared without a blog. Sorry about that. Here’s what’s been taking up my time. I had been working feverishly to...
“Houston...Tranquility Base Here—the Eagle Has Landed”
Neil Armstrong spoke those words when the lunar module, Eagle, fully touched down on the Moon. The four pads at the ends of Eagle’s legs...
Tempus Fugit—Time Flies
My goodness! It’s already Friday evening. Most of the week vanished in the blink of an eye. My computer must be a time machine when I...
Happy 243rd Birthday and Many More!
You don’t look your age at all, and are just a youngster as far as most of the rest of the world is concerned. You’ve come a long way....
The Longest Day
I’ve been talking about summer lately. In a couple of days, for the northern hemisphere of Earth, on Friday, June 21, it’s here. The...
Sweet, Sweet Summer
Summer vacation is just starting for students and teachers around the United States. For the graduating class of 2019, it’s the prelude...
Far Out, Dude!
Ooopsie, ran out of last week before I could get to The Write Drive. I was polishing up some story submissions and getting ready for my...
Memorial Day Weekend
It’s the first holiday of the impending summer season. Pools open around Richmond and other locales, many people head for the beach, and...
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