Creativity Is Hard Work

Hey there. I’ve missed a couple or more weeks of the blog. Been working on my new book—a collection of my stories and poems.
Since I’m still dealing with that shoestring budget, the writing, editing, finding resources, and cover creation are all in my lap. I enjoy it, but it is time consuming—many times frustrating. Playing around with different fonts and colors, pictures, positioning the text on the book’s cover, and layout of the book’s body can take up hour upon hour for weeks. I start early in the morning and could be working nonstop until the evening. That, of course, isn’t good for me or anyone else for that matter. If you’ve got a big project take breaks.
It’s funny though, when working on something, it keeps calling to me like a big chocolate cake, on the counter, frosted with fluffy vanilla or chocolate (the more chocolate, the better) icing. It knows how to distract me—that call of the muse or whatever it is.
So, before another week fades into the sunset, I wanted to touch base with you. I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth and trust you haven’t either :->
Just for fun, I’m going to start posting some humorous vet sign pictures I discovered on a site devoted to cats. One a day, so keep watching for that on Facebook, Twitter, and, if I can manage it, Instagram. In these days of turmoil and insanity, we all deserve a few good laughs. Even if you’re not a cat person, you ought to be able to get a chuckle out of yourself when you read these signs.
Also, I’ve become aware of some cool sites filled with photos done by incredibly talented individuals that I’d like to share with you. I think you’ll enjoy taking a look. Here’s the links.
There are many sites like these. Here’s a link to a blog listing these and more.
Be creative, good to yourself, and HAPPY WRITING.